Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Gaza: Another demo at US Embassy

KUALA LUMPUR: Some 40 members from the Gerakan Belia 4B Malaysia marched to the US Embassy on Monday and submitted a memorandum of protest against the Israeli attacks in Gaza.

An embassy representative accepted the memorandum on behalf of the US Government from the movement’s Federal Territory branch chairman Mohd Azhari Naharuddin.

“We appeal to the US Government, which claims it is the marshal of the world, to intervene and use its power to stop Israel from attacking Palestine,” he told reporters when met at the embassy here.

“We are very concerned about the strikes in Gaza which has led to over 500 deaths, including that of Palestinian children. We hope that this war will stop,” Mohd Azhari added.

The group marched from Bangunan Tabung Haji, carrying banners and calling for a ceasefire, but were stopped by a 44-strong team of light strike force unit members and police officers.

Mohd Azhari was then allowed to hand over the memorandum while accompanied by a few members.

Source : thestar.com.my

Cries of protest grow louder

KUALA LUMPUR: Various groups continued to protest against the invasion of Gaza by Israel.

Some 40 members from the Gerakan Belia 4B Malaysia marched to the United States Embassy yesterday and submitted a memorandum of protest against the attacks.

The movement’s Federal Territory branch chairman Mohd Azhari Naharuddin said they were appealing to the US Government to intervene and use its powers to stop Israel from attacking Palestine.

“We are very concerned about the strikes in Gaza which have led to over 500 deaths including Palestinian children.

“We hope this war would stop so that others would have a chance to live,” he said at the embassy.

An embassy representative accepted the memorandum on behalf of the US Government from him.

The group marched from Bangunan Tabung Haji but was stopped by members of the light strike force unit and police. Mohd Azhari was allowed to hand over the memorandum.

The Council For Ex-Members of Parliament and State Assemblies, Federal Territory president Aziz Yassin called for the boycott of Israeli and Israeli-related goods and services to protest against the military assault.

He said it was the least Malaysians of all races could do to register their sympathy towards the Palestinians who had been suffering at the hands of the Zionists for the past 50 years.

Pakatan Rakyat MPs urged Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to call for an emergency meeting in the Dewan Rakyat to discuss the matter.

“It is very important that the people of this country make a stand to join the international community in voicing their objection against Israel’s violence and throw their moral support behind the Palestinians,” the statement said.

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said in a statement that United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon should spearhead world condemnation of the invasion.

He also said US president-elect Barack Obama should pledge to end the country’s carte blanche

Source : thestar.com.my

Monday, January 5, 2009

Belia 4B Serah Memorandum Bantah Pencerobohan Israel

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Jan (Bernama) -- Gerakan Belia 4B Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor, Isnin bagi menyerahkan memorandum bantahan pencerobohan Israel ke atas wilayah Gaza, kepada Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat (AS) di sini.

Memorandum berkenaan diserahkan oleh Pengerusi Gerakan Belia 4B Wilayah Persekutuan Mohd Azhari Naharuddin kepada wakil kedutaan AS di luar kedutaan tersebut pada pukul 2.50 petang.

Sebelum itu Mohd Azhari bersama-sama dengan hampir 50 anggota pergerakan belia berarak dari Bangunan Tabung Haji menuju ke kedutaan tersebut yang terletak di Jalan Tun Razak, bagaimanapun polis menghalang kumpulan tersebut daripada menghampiri bangunan kedutaan itu.

Bagaimanapun, Mohd Azhari bersama-sama dengan dua wakil pergerakan belia tersebut dibenarkan menyerahkan memorandum berkenaan.

Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Cheras Supt. Abdul Rahim Hamzah berkata perhimpunan tanpa permit itu bersurai tepat pukul 3 petang.

"Kita dapat mengawal keadaan dengan kekuatan 45 anggota dan pegawai dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Cheras. Tiada tangkapan dilakukan," katanya ketika ditemui di situ.

Sementara itu Presiden Gerakan Belia 4B (Belia 4B) Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam menggesa Israel memberhentikan serangan yang mengorbankan rakyat Palestin yang tidak berdosa, sambil menambah keganasan berterusan menunjukkan bahawa Israel tidak menghormati hak dan kedaulatan Palestin.

"Kita merayu Amerika Syarikat dan Israel untuk mengisytiharkan Hamas sebagai kerajaan memerintah di Palestin dan menghormati kedaulatan Palestin dengan merobohkan dinding batu yang mengelilingi Gaza dan membenarkan bantuan antarabangsa dan luar terutamanya daripada Pertubuhan Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) di Palestin.

"Kita harap bahawa Kedutaan AS akan menyerahkan bantahan ini yang mewakili pemuda Malaysia kepada Presiden George W.Bush, untuk campur tangan dan memberhentikan serangan Israel terhadap Palestin," kata beliau.

Sumber dari BERNAMA : http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v5/bm/news_lite.php?id=381662


Kepada/To : Mr Sir George W. Bush (President of U.S)
Daripada/From : Gerakan Belia 4B Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur / Selangor
Tarikh:/Date : 5 January 2008
Tajuk/Title : Serangan ke atas negara Palestin oleh Rejim Zionis / Zionis regime attack in Palestine

Penaklukan dan serangan ke atas bumi Ghazza sewenang – wenangnya ini oleh Negara Israel lalu membuktikan kekejaman dan keangkuhan Kepimpinan Israel kepada hak dan kedaulatan rakyat Palestin atas alasan memburu pemimpin – pemimpin Hamas.
The recent attack/bombing in Gaza by Israel for ‘hunting’ the Hamas leaders has proven the violence and arrogance of the Israelis ruling to the rights and sovereignty of the Palestinians.

Oleh yang demikian, kami barisan golongan belia iaitu Gerakan Belia 4B Malaysia Wilayah Persekutuan sebulat suara mengecam dan mengutuk serangan ke atas Negara Islam Palestin oleh Rejim Zionis , Israel. Oleh itu kami MENGGESA AGAR:
Regarding to that matter, we, the youth group from Gerakan Belia 4B Malaysia Wilayah Persekutuan, condemns the Israel’s Zionis Regime attack on the Islams in Palestine. Therefore, we IMPLORE THAT:

Negara Israel menghentikan segala serangan baik melalui darat mahupun udara yang membunuh rakyat palestin yang tidak berdosa terutama golongan warga tua, wanita, remaja dan kanak – kanak atas alasan mencari dan memburu Pemimpin Hamas.
Israel to stop any attacks via land and air that kills innocent Palestinians, in particular the senior citizens, women, teenagers and children, with the excuse to find and hunt down Hamas leaders.

Kekejaman yang berterusan ini juga, menunjukkan kepimpinan Israel tidak menghormati hak dan kedaulatan rakyat Palestin. Negara Israel menyerang dan mengepung 1.6 juta penduduk Palestin termasuk menafikan hak mereka mendapatkan keperluan asas dan perubatan.
The continued violence also demonstrates that Israel ruling does not respect the rights and sovereignty of the Palestine nation. Israel attacked and surrounded 1.6 million Palestinian residents as well as denying their rights to basic needs and medical care.

Menggesa supaya Amerika Syarikat dan Israel mengiktiraf Hamas sebagai Kerajaan Pemerintah di Palestin serta menghormati kedaulatan Negara Palestin dengan merobohkan tembok batu yang mengelilingi bumi Ghazza serta membenarkan bantuan daripada pihak luar khususnya daripada Pertubuhan Bangsa – Bangsa Bersatu kepada Rakyat Palestin.
We implore for the United States of America and Israel to declare Hamas as the ruling government in Palestine and respect sovereignty of Palestine by demolishing the brick wall which surrounds Gaza and allow international/external help especially from PBB to the Palestinian nation.

Mendesak supaya Negara Israel menghormati Pertubuhan Bangsa – Bangsa Bersatu dan Liga Arab serta desakan masyarakat dunia terhadap kekejaman Negara Israel ke atas Bumi Palestin
We urge for Israel to respect PBB and Arab League as well as the nation of the world against Israelis violence towards Palestine.

Menggesa Negara Israel supaya menyokong segala usaha gencatan senjata yang ditaja oleh pihak luar dan mematuhi segala peraturan – peraturan dalam proses gencatan senjata.
Insist that Israel cease fire and abide to all regulations pertaining to the peace bodies.
Kami berharap agar Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat dapat menyampaikan bantahan ini yang mewakili masyarakat belia Malaysia kepada Presiden Amerika Syarikat Sir George W. Bush agar campurtangan dan menghentikan serangan ke atas Bumi Palestin oleh Negara Israel.
We hope that US Embassy will convey this objection represented by the youths of Malaysia to the President of the United States of America, Sir George W. Bush, to intervene and stop the Israelis attacks on Palestine.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Salam Hormat.

Gerakan Belia 4B Wilayah Persekutuan